We are Your Solution for International Recruitment

Nurse Finder’s end-to-end manpower solution and skilled Indian healthcare professionals allow you to focus on your core mission, providing high-quality healthcare services to your customers.

We specialise in international recruitment from India which offers an ethical recruitment location for European healthcare employers who are committed to fair recruitment.

Why India?

India is the world's second-largest country of origin for immigrant nurses. Nearly one million Indian healthcare professionals work outside India's borders. In India, culture and attitudes support work-related emigration. Money sent home from abroad supports the wellbeing of the whole family and is also a significant source of foreign currency for the state.

India has almost 500 million educated English-speaking people under the age of 35 (1/3 of the population) and especially young women have difficulties finding employment in India. This is why the Indian government has decided to increase education and promote the employment of Indian professionals in Western countries. The Indian government has a vision to make India "The Skill Capital of the World".

Therefore, the German government has chosen India as one of its primary partners when developing the ethical recruitment of personnel outside the EU/ETA area.

Why Nurse Finder?

Nurse Finder has sound experience handling all process steps of international recruitment both in India and Europe: we have already recruited 300+ nurses from India to Finland since 2020. Germany is a new destination for Nurse Finder.

Nurse Finder is the local operator both in Germany and India – we take care of all process steps by ourselves and therefore potential misuse and unethical treatment of healthcare personnel are minimised.

We are committed to the principles of the “Fair Recruitment Healthcare Germany” quality seal, the “WHO’s Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel”, the “General Principles and Operational Guidelines for Fair Recruitment of the ILO”, "International UN Human Rights Convention”, “UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights", and “ILO Core Labour Standards”. We work only with such employers and business partners who commit to the same principles. More information can be found in Nurse Finder's General Business Terms and Conditions" (link in footer).

We communicate directly both with You and the nurses during the entire process - from recruitment in India to living and working in Germany. This ensures a smooth flow of information and many challenges are avoided during the process